News & Updates

100,000 times thank you

A few days ago (October 29th, 2021) we crossed an amazing milestone. 100,000 users are using MailTrack with our premium plans (PRO and ADVANCED). This is a huge milestone for any company and it is a very nice moment to say THANK YOU.  To add some comparison: Basecamp: 130,000 paying customers (after 17 years). SendGrid:

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Mailtrack Tips & Tricks

Can Mailsuite improve your communication?

When dealing with different forms of communication, there are some factors that are really important to consider. One of these is the trust between the sender and the receiver, or the seller and the customer. Another thing you need to consider is the communication channel that you choose. One of the great things about using

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Email Like a Pro

Farewell email template

Saying goodbye to you work place and colleagues is never an easy thing to do, especially not if you have had a really good time at the company, and really have developed a good relationship with the other people who work there. And it gets even harder, if the reason for your farewell to the

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Recibo de lectura de Gmail 2021: cómo ver si alguien leyó tu correo electrónico

Dependiendo de la situación, puede ser muy útil ver cuándo se leen los correos electrónicos importantes. El uso de un sistema de seguimiento de correo electrónico o un acuse de recibo en Gmail puede permitirle saber si su mensaje se ha abierto o no. Cuando recibe notificaciones en tiempo real, puede responder adecuadamente con el

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Email Like a Pro

Email resignation template

Very few of us are staying in the same position or the same job at the same company our whole career, which also means, that a lot of us have tried the very difficult thing of saying goodbye to our coworkers and friends, to try out new challenges. But how do you say goodbye to

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Email Like a Pro

Most popular email templates

This is a list of the most popular email templates. Job seeking is a great category for email templates as well as work related templates. Obviously templates for your day to day job tasks is something very useful to have at hand.
Email Like a Pro

20 Sales Follow-up Email Templates to Unlock Higher Response Rates (2023)

Follow-up emails can pump up the average response rate by at least 4%. First follow-up emails are the most effective, bringing in reply rates that are 40% higher than initial emails. Needless to say, follow-up emails are indispensable to sales activities. They can further increase the response rate when worded right and timed strategically.  While

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Email Like a Pro

Email Templates for SDRs

SDR: Sales Development Representative Also known as business development teams or lead qualification representatives. He is responsible for obtaining all the contacts that come from the marketing department and they transform them into sales opportunities. In simple terms: Instead of a salesperson randomly emailing a list of X contacts trying to convince them to buy,

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Email Like a Pro

What is the perfect template to send your CV via email?

Sending “cold emails” is very normal when you are sending your CV to a company where you want to work. Do not be ashamed of it. It is very normal and everyone does it. It is true LinkedIn is a great place to start but you should use your email as the main platform to

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Senior Javascript Developer Job Offer

Who we are Mailtrack is the leading solution for professionals using Gmail for sales, communication, hiring and any other business activities. We empower more than 2M users with our free plan and over 110,000 paying users worldwide. We are a diverse and multicultural team. We hire the best and most passionate people willing to impact

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Senior Backend Developer Job Offer

Who we are Mailtrack is the leading solution for professionals using Gmail for sales, communication, hiring and any other business activities. We empower more than 2M users with our free plan and over 110,000 paying users worldwide. We are a diverse and multicultural team. We hire the best and most passionate people willing to impact

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