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David White edited this page Feb 27, 2020 · 21 revisions

Provisions are a new feature introduced in v1.1 to solve the problem of implementing a complex device provisioning work flow. A provision is sandboxed Javascript code that is executed on a per device basis. Apart from a few built-in functions, the code is standard ES6 code executed in strict mode.

Provisions are mapped to devices using presets. Note that the added performance overhead when using provisions as opposed to simple preset configuration is relatively small. Anything that can be done through preset configuration can be done in a provision script. In fact, the old configuration format is still supported mainly for backward compatibility and it is recommended to use provisions for all configuration.

When executing a provision script through a preset, arguments to be passed to the script can be provided and will be available in the script in the args array.

Please note, provision scripts will execute multiple times until GenieACS detects no more changes. This is normal behavior.

Built-in functions

declare(path, timestamps, values)

This function is for declaring parameter values to be set as well as constraints on how recent you'd like the parameter value (or other attributes) to have been refreshed from the device. If the timestamp provided is lower than the timestamp of the last time the value was read from the device then this function will return the last known value. Otherwise, it will fetch the current value from the device and return that in order to satisfy said time constraints.

The timestamp argument is an object where the key is the attribute name (i.e. value, object, writable, path) and the value is an integer value representing a Unix timestamp.

The values argument is an object similar to the timestamp argument with the exception that the property values are the parameter values to be set.

The possible attributes in timestamps and values arguments are:

  • value: a [value, type] pair

This attribute is not available for objects or object instances. When setting the value, it's not necessary to use an array of [value, type] as the parameter type is already known.

  • writable: boolean

The meaning of this attribute can vary depending on the type of the parameter. In the case of regular parameter, it indicates whether or not the value is writable. In the case of objects, it indicates whether or not it's possible to add new object instances. In the case of object instances, it indicates whether or not this instance can be deleted.

  • object: boolean

True if this is an object or object instance.

  • path: string

This attribute is special in that it's not a parameter attribute per se, but it refers to the presence of parameters matching the given path. For example, given the following wildcard path:


Using a recent timestamp for path in declare() will result in a sync with the device to rediscover all Host instances (Host.*). The path attribute can also be used to create or delete object instances as described in the [path format] (#path-format) section.

The return value of declare() is an iterator to access parameters that match the given path. Each item in the iterator has the attribute 'path' in addition to any other attribute given in the declare() call. The iterator object itself has convenience attribute accessors which come in handy when you're expecting a single parameter (e.g. when path does not contain wildcards or aliases).

// Example: Setting the SSID as the last 6 characters of the serial number
let serial = declare("Device.DeviceInfo.SerialNumber", {value: 1});
declare("Device.LANDevice.1.WLANConfiguration.1.SSID", null,
  {value: serial.value[0]});

clear(path, timestamp)

This function invalidates the database copy of parameters (and their child parameters) that match the given path and have a last refresh timestamp that is less than the given timestamp. The most obvious use for this function is to invalidate the database copy of the entire data model when the device is factory reset:

// Example: Clear cached device data model Note
// Make sure to apply only on "0 BOOTSTRAP" event


This function commits the pending declarations and performs any necessary sync with the device. It's usually not required to call this function as it called implicitly at the end of the script and when accessing any property of the promise-like object returned by the declare() function. Calling this explicitly may be necessary for certain use case such as implementing complex device provisioning work flow.

ext(file, function, arg1, arg2, ...)

Execute an extension script and return the result. The first argument is the script filename and the second argument is the function name within that script. Any remaining arguments will be passed to that function. See Extensions for more details.

Path format

A parameter path may contain a wildcard (*) or an alias filter ([name:value]). A wildcard segment in a parameter path will apply the declared configuration to zero or more parameters that match the given path where the wildcard segment can be anything.

An alias filter is like wildcard, but additionally performs filtering on child parameters based on the key-value pairs provided. For example, the following path:


will return a list of ExternalIPAddress parameters (0 or more) where the sibling parameter AddressingType is set to "DHCP".

This can be useful when the exact parameter path may be different from one device to another. It is possible to use more than one key-value pair in the alias filter. It's also possible to use multiple filters or use a combination of filters and wildcards.

Creating/deleting object instances

Given the declarative nature of provisions, we cannot explicitly tell the device to create or delete an instance under a given object. Instead, we specify the number of instances we want there to be, and based on that GenieACS will determine whether or not it needs to create or delete instances. For example, the following declaration will ensure we have one and only one WANIPConnection object:

// Example: Ensure we have one and only one WANIPConnection object
  null, {path: 1});

Note the wildcard at the end of the parameter path.

It is also possible to use alias filters as the last path segment which will ensure the declared number of instances is satisfied given the alias filter:

//Ensure that *all* other instances are deleted
null, {path: 0});

//Add the two entries we care about
  {path: now}, {path: 1});
  {path: now}, {path: 1});

Special GenieACS parameters

In addition to the parameters exposed in the device's data model through TR-069, GenieACS has its own set of special parameters:


This parameter sub-tree includes the following read-only parameters:



The tags root parameter is used to expose device tags in the data model. Tags appear as child parameters that are writable and have a value of [true/false, "xsd:boolean"]. Setting a tag to false will delete that tag, and setting the value of a non-existing tag parameter to true will create it.

// Example: Remove "tag1", add "tag2", and read "tag3"
declare("Tags.tag1", null, {value: false});
declare("Tags.tag2", null, {value: true});
let tag3 = declare("Tags.tag3", {value: 1});


The Reboot root parameter hold the timestamp of the last reboot command. The parameter value is writable and declaring a timestamp value that is larger than the current value will trigger a reboot.

// Example: Reboot the device only if it hasn't been rebooted in the past
// 300 seconds
declare("Reboot", null, {value: - (300 * 1000)});


Works like Reboot parameter but for factory reset.

// Example: Default the device to factory settings
declare("FactoryReset", null, {value:});


The Downloads sub-tree holds information about the last download command in Downloads.1.* like Download (timestamp), LastFileType, LastFileName and so on. The parameters FileType, FileName, TargetFileName and Download are writable and can be used to trigger a new download:

declare("Downloads.[FileType:1 Firmware Upgrade Image]",
        {path: 1}, {path: 1});
declare("Downloads.[FileType:1 Firmware Upgrade Image].FileName",
        {value: 1}, {value: "firmware-2017.01.tar"});
declare("Downloads.[FileType:1 Firmware Upgrade Image].Download",
        {value: 1}, {value:});

Note: If the device has initiated a download before, you will need to set the timestamp to either null or {value:}

Common file types are:

1 Firmware Upgrade Image
2 Web Content
3 Vendor Configuration File
4 Tone File
5 Ringer File

Combined with a preset that executes at 1 BOOT, its possible to upgrade the firmware of a CPE when it reboots. By adding more entries to the config map below, its to support dozens of different CPEs without having to change the core code below.

let now =;
let model = declare("InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.ModelName",
  {value: 1}).value[0];
//Map the CPE model to the config file
let cfgs = {
  'SR360n': '360_defaults.conf'

let lastConfigFile =
  declare("Downloads.[FileType:3 Vendor Configuration File].FileName",

let configFile = cfgs[model];

if (!configFile) {
  //log('No config for CPE', {model: model, cfgs: cfgs});

if (lastConfigFile !== undefined && lastConfigFile.value !== undefined) {
  lastConfigFile = lastConfigFile.value[0];
} else {
  lastConfigFile = null;

if (lastConfigFile !== configFile) {
  log('Upgrading config', {model: model, configFile: configFile});
  declare("Downloads.[FileType:3 Vendor Configuration File]",
    {path: 1}, {path: 1});
  declare("Downloads.[FileType:3 Vendor Configuration File].FileName",
    {value: 1}, {value: configFile});
  declare("Downloads.[FileType:3 Vendor Configuration File].Download",
    {value: 1}, {value: now});

When the CPE has finished downloading the config file, it will send a 7 TRANSFER COMPLETE event. Create a preset that triggers on that event which fires off a different provision script. In this new provision script put:

declare("Reboot", null, {value:});

This will cause the CPE to reboot after downloading the updated config file.