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PSEO S2 Link, steps, etc
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Links and steps to help apply to PSEO

colleges most attended by SLP students


  1.  PSEO Application electronic form 

  1.  2022-23 Postsecondary Enrollment Options Program Registration Form - Digital Signature Option   Fill out part 1 only, then send to me so I can fill out part 2.

  1. I will get your transcript, and send all of these forms to Normandale

  1. You MUST check your email listed on your application for Normandale’s next steps.

MCTC  link

  1. PSEO online application

  1. 2022-23 Postsecondary Enrollment Options Program Registration Form - Digital Signature Option
  1. Fill out part 1 only, then send to me and I’ll fill out part 2.

  1. I will get your transcript, and send all of these forms to MCTC

  1. You MUST check your email listed on your application for MCTC’s next steps.

North Hennepin (NHCC)  link

  1. PSEO application

  1. 2022-23 Postsecondary Enrollment Options Program Registration Form - Digital Signature Option 
  1. Fill out part 1 only, then send to me and I’ll fill out part 2.

  1. I will get your transcript, and send all of these forms to NHCC

  1. You MUST check your email listed on your application for NHCC’s next steps.

All documentation must be submitted/completed before the deadline.

University of Minnesota  link

  1. PSEO application

  1. 2022-23 Postsecondary Enrollment Options Program Registration Form - Digital Signature Option
  1. Fill out part 1 only, then send to me and I’ll fill out part 2.

  1. Balance Sheet - School Counselor will fill out
  1. I will get your transcript, and send all of these forms to the U of M
  1. You MUST check your email listed on your application for U of M’s  next steps.

List of Participating Institutions