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Club 24 #4

Tudo por nós

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Tudo começou com um olhar...

Que levou a uma dança entusiasmada e sensual...

Brandon e Spencer superaram muitos obstáculos no decorrer do relacionamento, incluindo uma ex-namorada louca e um colega de faculdade vingativo. Agora começa uma nova aventura.

A maternidade.

Quando Brandon volta ao trabalho, Spencer se sente oprimida e com medo de não ser uma boa mãe para Kyle. Ele sabe, no fundo do coração, que ela será perfeita assim como tem sido uma esposa exemplar, mas não sabe como livrá-la dessa angústia.

Como Spencer superará a depressão para lutar por sua família? E o que acontecerá quando Brandon suspeitar de que a busca de vingança do seu passado ainda não acabou?

200 pages, Paperback

First published April 18, 2016

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About the author

Kimberly Knight

73 books2,904 followers
Kimberly Knight is a USA Today Bestselling author who lives in the Central Valley of California with her loving husband, who is a great research assistant, and young daughter, who keeps Kimberly on her toes. Kimberly writes in a variety of genres, including romantic suspense, contemporary romance, erotic romance, and paranormal romance. Her books will make you laugh, cry, swoon, and fall in love before she throws you curve balls you never see coming.

When Kimberly isn’t writing, you can find her watching her favorite reality TV shows, including cooking competitions, binge-watching true crime documentaries, and going to San Francisco Giants games. She’s also a two-time desmoid tumor/cancer fighter, which has made her stronger and an inspiration to her fans.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 61 reviews
Profile Image for Mandy Desay .
260 reviews13 followers
April 16, 2016
Now that's how you do it!!!!

I feel giving this 5 stars is not giving it enough!!!

I was so excited when I found out that there was going to be another instalment of my beloved Brandon and Spencer and Kimberly you didn't disappoint.

Down on Me starts where Forever Spencer finished off. While the Storyline dealt with a very sensitive subject, Kimberley dealt with it
with such delicate beauty and grace. It was fully of emotion, and I shed tears along the way but it was the perfect ending to a series that means so much to me and I have loved every single book.

If it's possible Kimberly you have made me love Brandon even more with this book. I loved how he was a tower of strength for Spencer and although given what she was going through, their love for one another still always shone through. You left me an emotional wreck but in a good way, you tugged on my heart strings and this series will forever be with me.
Profile Image for Book Review Virginia Lee.
95 reviews28 followers
May 5, 2016
This is the continuum from Down on me and the last of the series. This is an emotional journey that Spencer is going through after becoming a mother. Brandon is dealing with his own problems. Slowing things are going downhill can they overcome the trouble they are having and have a happy ending? This book was written with a serious issue that many mothers have a hard time overcoming and the way the story is written so there is support all around. Highly Recommend this book and series.
How would you describe the plot of this book? some twist
Which of these words best describes the mood? Suspenseful
How would you describe the pace? steady
How would you describe the characters? developed
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review *
Profile Image for Reflections of a Book Geek.
722 reviews24 followers
April 18, 2016
I have to be honest when I heard Brandon and Spencer were getting another book I was excited to get my hands on it, in saying that I felt a little let down by this one. There wasn't one real reason for it though.

I understand the struggles Spencer faced as I have also had the same thing she had but I just struggled to connect with her at times. It wasn't anything that happened I can't really describe it.

Brandon also wasn't what I was hoping for.

I feel like this book was completely unnecessary, we had finished Brandon and Spencer's story and we could have got these glimpses of them through Blakes story.
Profile Image for Jennifer Feltz Milkowski.
618 reviews1 follower
August 26, 2019
I loved this book. It is quite a dark book and made me wonder many times if our couple would make it through.

This book is about Postpartum depression. I personally didn't have it after my children, but I can still put my self in Spencer's place. I loved reading her internal struggles and how she was struggling even to explain to Ryan and Brandon what she was feeling and going through. I enjoyed that she did research to see what was wrong. I loved that Brandon did the exact same thing and then she got help. I loved how Brandon tried to be there and even through he said some inappropriate things (immediately realizing he misspoke) he tried to be there for his wife.

In books 3 & 3.5 Spencer lost Brandon for a bit and in this book Brandon kind of lost Spencer. I loved how Spencer started to try to make herself better, but didn't do it alone. She finally let Brandon and Ryan help as well as a professional.

I have to say with this series how the POV's were split into different books. There are things in both books that would have been given away if the POV's switched between chapters. That being said, I absolutely loved that this part had both points of view. I didn't give anything away with the other's story, but helped you see both people struggle with the demands of being new parents. It showed the love that they had for each other even if they both couldn't express it at the moment.

While this was the perfect ending to their story, I would love to read more about them. I hate finishing a series, because I just want more of their life together. I would love to see how Spencer handles going back to work and the three kids growing up together. I would love to see Spencer interact with the other kids more too.

Again, great read. I would recommend it.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Notas Literárias.
121 reviews6 followers
May 26, 2018
Hello pessoas, hoje vamos conversar sobre o capítulo final da história de Brandon e Spencer. Depois de toda a luta para ficarem juntos, eis que alguns fantasmas do passado ainda os assombram e as incertezas do futuro também.
"Estar com a minha família, era exatamente onde eu queria estar."
Desde que se conheceram, eles sempre tiveram uma forte conexão, então depois da decepção, Spencer achou que seu sonho de constituir uma família seria retardado. Ela não contava com a chegada de Brandon e do amor avassalador que surgiu entre eles. Então o sonho da família se mostrou próximo e possível.

Brandon teve certeza de seu amor por ela logo que começaram a passar algum tempo juntos. E depois dos dois sustos que levaram, e de quase perdê-la, ele teve certeza que a queria para sempre ao seu lado e, em sua vida. E foi isso que eles fizeram, se casaram e foram em busca de sua felicidade. Como todo jovem casal, passaram por algumas turbulências iniciais, mas nada que não os deixasse ainda mais próximos e aí tudo se consolidou com a chegada de Kyle.
"Isso seria um sucesso ou realmente um desastre."

*Confira a resenha completa no Blog
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
10.2k reviews87 followers
October 7, 2018
Spencer and Brandon have faced so much together and now they must face another challenge which is parenthood. Both Spencer and Brandon love their son Kyle with all their hearts and all they want to do is protect him and be the best parents that they can be.

Spencer’s insecurities about being a mother are affecting her ability to function and she doesn’t want anyone else to know her fears as she is afraid of being judged. Brandon is facing his own concerns due to some scares they have had in the past. In order to get past this obstacle, they must not only accept help from each other but from everyone in their life so that they can be the family that they were always meant to be. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
Profile Image for Melissa Mendoza.
2,551 reviews53 followers
April 6, 2019
“He fought for me. He saved me. He loves me.”

5 love conquers all stars! Great, emotional read!

Book 4 takes us right back into Brandon and Spencer's world, only a few months later. Spencer has had their baby, but she's not feeling like herself. She's struggling with caring for the baby and dealing with her emotions. Brandon is also struggling afraid that Trevor/Michael is going to show back up in their lives and kidnap Spencer and Kyle out from under him.

This book takes you on a raw and emotional journey and I can speak from experience this book definitely hit me. Kimberly, definitely knows how to take on the tough stuff but does it so delicately. I loved this book and this series!!!
604 reviews1 follower
March 14, 2018
Every woman deserves a husband like Brandon!

This was a very emotional book— Spencer goes through post partum depression and it’s a tough time. When they both try and keep their fears and problems to themselves it only makes things worse. What I didn’t understand was why her doctor did not discuss this with her. But therapy, fantastic friends and her amazing husband help lead to their HEA!
863 reviews4 followers
October 3, 2018
I was asked by the author for an honest review.

I enjoyed seeing another side of Spencer & Brandon's relationship with the added stress of parenthood. I also liked that this story alternated between the two characters' points of view so you got to see both sides as the story unfolded. This format was what I would have liked to see for the other books in the series (incorporating the novellas into the original story).

You do need to read the rest of the Club 24 series prior to this one.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,284 reviews12 followers
January 6, 2019
This was a great follow up with one of my favorite couples! I really appreciated how real life issues were threaded in Spencer’s story with her becoming a new mother. Once again Brandon and Spencer’s love proves to be truly binding especially when their new family may be in danger. But once and for all old ghosts are put to bed.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
1 review2 followers
March 26, 2020
Where do I begin?!?

This was the perfect ending to the series. I got the first book for free. I loved it so much I bought the rest of the series. I fell in love with Brandon and Spencer. I connected with Spencer on a deep level with this last book.

There are some typos and some punctuation issues, but nothing that I couldn’t overlook.
441 reviews
March 19, 2021
Sad to see series end

Spencer and Brandon have their happily ever after. Great jobs, friends and now a beautiful baby. What more could anyone want, right? But they aren’t right, things are very very wrong.
Profile Image for Barbara "Cookie" Serfaty Williams.
2,652 reviews4 followers
April 2, 2021
Down on Me: A Billionaire Suspense Romance (Club 24 Book 4)

The continuous story of Spencer and Brandon. Kyle is here and Spencer is going through Postpartum depression. Brandon is going crazy over protecting his family. Will they make it ? Great story.
Profile Image for DaYukie.
569 reviews10 followers
October 12, 2018
Conhecer Brandon e Spencer, na série B&S, Tudo Por Nós nos traz o final da história desse casal complicado, que enfrentaram diversas batalhas para estarem juntos, mas agora eles terão mais uma batalha para enfrentar: os seus próprios medos.

Spencer acabou de ter o seu bebê, ela o ama, porém está sofrendo de um mal que muitas mulheres sofrem: Depressão pós-parto. Acredita que Kyle ama mais o Brandon, não sabe lidar com o seu filho chorando, principalmente depois de Brandon voltar a trabalhar somente por “meio período”. Ter medo de ser julgada pelo o que sente, por seus medos e ainda fingir que está tudo bem, é assim que Spencer vem passando os seus dias, mas ela sabe que precisa de ajuda, ela sabe que precisa do seu marido, do seu melhor amigo, Spencer só não sabe como fazer tudo isso funcionar. Se deixar “apagar” como mulher, tentar ser uma “boa mãe”, Spencer não sabe lidar com tudo isso e sente-se sozinha.
Brandon está com medo. Medo do seu passado novamente tentar tirar tudo o que ele ama. Depois de tudo o que viveram, Brandon teme perder sua esposa e seu filho, e agora está em busca de protege-los, custe o que custar. Porém ele não sabe como falar com sua esposa, teme que a sobrecarregue e quando ele compreende que Spencer está com depressão, seus temores pioram, pois, além desejar proteger sua família, ele precisa cuidar de sua esposa.
Como lidar com tudo isso? Achei interessante a autora trabalhar a questão da depressão pós-parto. Mostrar como a mãe se sente e explicar os sintomas, apresentar o fato de que muitas sofrem do mesmo mal, mas que existe ajuda para isso, foi realmente algo que me chamou a atenção no livro. Brandon estar apoiando da maneira dele, estar disposto a ajudar a sua esposa, foi outro ponto positivo. O apoio que ele deu e deseja dar a ela é uma coisa importante e foi agradável ver isso.
Porém, diferentemente dos outros livros, tudo se resume a isso. Não tem nada que me faça ficar aflita e desesperada para terminar o livro. É simplesmente uma conclusão para o casal, algo que poderia ter sido trabalhado no livro anterior. Se eu senti necessidade deste livro? Sinceramente não. Foi gostoso de ler? Sim, mas apesar de trabalhar um tema importante, não foi um livro que eu falaria “vocês precisam ler, pois fará muita diferença”.
Esta é mais uma história para quem procura uma conclusão para o casal.
A capa do livro manteve-se com a mesma identidade visual das anteriores e isso me agradou imensamente. Além disso, temos uma boa diagramação e pelo livro ser contado por ambos os pontos de vistas, a leitura foi facilitada. Porém, precisa de uma revisão final, existem poucos erros, nada que atrapalhe a leitura, porém estão lá.
Como eu disse, este é um livro para concluir a história de Brandon e Spencer. Mostrar um pouco sobre o futuro deles e apesar de ter trabalhado um bom tema, eu não senti necessidade da existência de um livro somente para isso. Porém, aconselho a leitura e que você uma conclusão sobre o livro.

Profile Image for Heather.
10 reviews
April 19, 2016
I am a huge Brandon Montgomery fan. I love the B&S now Club 24 series. This story was a great addition to the series and gave a nice insight into Brandon and Spencer's life following the birth of their child.
There have been several authors that have recently done stories on post-partum depression. I think that K. Knight handled this well and took a different path from the other author's that I've read. I love how Brandon, Ryan, and their other friends support and help Spencer throughout the book.
My only "issue" with the story was the threat of Brandon's former teammate who is now in prison. I felt that for this to be such a central part of the story there wasn't enough meat to the reason why they felt threatened and I felt that the resolution was rushed. This is the reason that I gave this 4 stars rather than 5. However, this track did add some needed tension to the story line.
The chemistry between Brandon and Spencer is still alive and well. The friendship and love between Spencer and Ryan is also very present and their interactions were some of the best of the book in my opinion. I liked that the new moms leaned on each other and that even with all the changes in their respective lives they are still there for each other. That is true friendship. Brandon once again proves that why he is one the favorite book boy friends.
Profile Image for Itsy Bitsy Book Bits.
699 reviews51 followers
April 29, 2016
Down on Me, a novella in the Club 24 series, by Kimberly Knight, is a 4 star read that follows Spencer and Brandon on the road of parenthood. Brandon lovers beware, you will fall even more in love with him as you turn each page. As a huge fan of this series, I loved being about to follow them on this journey and to see both Brandon and Spencer become not just two, but a family of three. 

 Baby Kyle is home and Spencer is stuggling with her role as a mother, and everyone around her is noticing a change, even Brandon, who is also still having problem's dealing with the fact Michael had kidnapped his wife. Noticing an issue, both Brandon and Spencer try to get answers and help. Follow these two characters in life changing situations that will leave you with a grin knowing these two made it and the love, passion, longing still shows. The chemistry these two have is still HOT!!!

 Kimberly Knight again brings us into the life of two favorites, and lets us join the new journey they start together. I always saw Spencer as a strong character and to see her struggles with motherhood was straight foward and very correct on what so many new mothers face. Brandon is still the guy you can make you swoon, his love for Spencer and his child is felt when you read from his point of veiw. I am so looking foward to Blake's book and hoping his book is next in the series. 
Profile Image for Kelly-Ann Vincent.
103 reviews3 followers
April 8, 2016
*arc received on behalf of author for an honest review*

wow wow wow wow Kimberly Knight does it again. this maybe a novella but it doesn't stop it being short of amazing!

we come back to Spencer & Brandon just having a baby and them adjusting to life with a newborn and how life changes this book.

we already knew what an amazing strong person Spencer was but this shows how amazingly strong she really is.

as soon as i started to read how she was feeling I knew what was going to happen having felt with Post-Natal Depression when i gave birth to my son who's almost 10. its one of the hardest things ive ever had to deal with so reading this brought back very painful memory's for me but I still loved the book.

Kimberly did an amazing job of writing this cause PND OR PPD As you guys call it in the US. It is such a taboo topic. I Ignored it just like Spencer thought it was normal and thought it would go away. Not a lot of people talk about depression let alone post natal depression so thank you Kimberly for bringing us this book and bringing awareness of this awful illness and just like the amazing strong Spencer has showed us it can be fought and life can get better!

Can't wait for your next book!


This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lisa Stinson.
1,168 reviews16 followers
April 12, 2016
I was gifted a copy of this book for an honest review. I was so excited to find out we were getting more of Brandon and Spencer. I love these characters and couldn't wait to continue their story. I think what I loved most about this book is it deals with something that most women deal with once having their precious babies. Post-partum life/depression. I didn't deal with it personally but they way Kimberly wrote this novella really pulled at my heartstrings for Spencer and everything she was feeling and going through. Spencer was so scared to talk to anyone about how she was feeling for fear of being judged. Brandon wanted to do anything possible to help Spencer and to show her that she is a good mother and wife.

These characters have had a special place in my heart since the beginning and to read about their struggles in the beginning was hard because you just want them to be nothing but happy. Even though parenthood brought them a rough patch, they were able to pull through because of the love and connection they have with one another. I will never get tired of reading about Brandon and Spencer. I am excited about Blake getting his book and hopefully we will get a little dose of Brandon and Spencer in there as well.
Profile Image for Heather Cicio.
185 reviews13 followers
April 18, 2016
I did not realize how much I missed Spencer and Brandon until I started reading. I did not stop until I read the last page. As usual, Kimberly Knight held my attention with a mixture of romance, suspense and humor. As one of my favorite book couples ever, Spencer and Brandon will always hold a special place in my heart. And now I can add Kyle to that list. I can't wait for Blakes book so I can check up on him which is for sure not a hardship. Keep writing Kimberly, there is no need for the series to end. There are no spoilers here, just an amazing book that you don't want to miss.

Merged review:

I am totally down with this book!!!

I did not realize how much I missed Spencer and Brandon until I started reading. I did not stop until I read the last page. As usual, Kimberly Knight held my attention with a mixture of romance, suspense and humor. As one of my favorite book couples ever, Spencer and Brandon will always hold a special place in my heart. And now I can add Kyle to that list. I can't wait for Blakes book so I can check up on him which is for sure not a hardship. Keep writing Kimberly, there is no need for the series to end. There are no spoilers here, just an amazing book that you don't want to miss.
90 reviews7 followers
April 19, 2016
***Reviewed for Amo and Sarah’s Book Corner***

Firstly…when I heard we were getting this novella, I got a little more than excited!!! One of my favourite book couples are Brandon and Spencer Montogomery. I’ve followed Kimberly Knight from that very first book, Where I Need To Be, and followed her since….I love her books!

After everything that Spencer and Brandon went through in their relationship before they got married, everything should run smoothly but it doesn’t and the topic in this book is something that every woman or parent hope that they don’t suffer the effects from.

This book had me my eyes weeping, but it’s a condition that I hold close to my heart, because no one knows the feelings and the thoughts that you have unless you go through it.
Kimberly didn’t disappoint with this book as she never does, but I’m so sad that their story has now come to an end.

Kimberly brings ‘all the feels’ out with this book, this is devastating as it is beautiful, but emotional, and breath taking. This story is told so well, I had goosebumps while reading it but I didn’t want it to end.

I love how this one was told in dual POV too.
Well done Kimberly Knight, yet again Brandon has stolen my heart completely.

5 ‘beautiful but emotional’ stars
Profile Image for T.A. McKay.
Author 34 books391 followers
April 9, 2016
I love it when you find a story that you just connect with. That was Brandon for me. He was like the perfect man, and as much as I hated that he was in a book, I loved reading about him. The whole series was amazing and showed you the kind of man he is....

then I go this book!!!

I swear I didn't think it was possible to fall in love with brandon anymore than I had, but Kimberly did it! There is nothing sexier than a man who can protect his family, and thats exactly what Brandon is. He is kind, strong, and when his family is put in danger, he is there to fight all their demons...whether they are real or not! I loved this book! The story kept me interested and it covered some sensitive subjects that people could connect with, but it was done is such a classy way. I know I saw a lot of myself in Spencer, and even though I didn't go through everything she did I totally connected to her.
And then there was Brandon...who was the man I fell for but grown up! Seeing him as a daddy made me swoon!!

So lets recap:
Great story
Hot Brandon
Well Written
And finally Brandon! So yeah...read this book!
Profile Image for Kerri’s Reading Corner.
471 reviews51 followers
April 18, 2016
I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was so excited when Kimberly announced that she was writing more Brandon and Spencer. They are one of my favorite fictional couples. This story is a novella, so it is on the shorter side, but Kimberly still delivered an emotional and suspenseful story. :)

This story picked up right where Anything Like Me leaves off. Spencer and Brandon are happily married and now they have the baby that they dreamed of, making the perfect life for them. Having a new baby means stress and lots of worries that they thought were long gone though. Brandon and Spencer have been through some difficult times, and having a new baby will tests their strength, both individually and as a couple.

I can tell you that I love Brandon more than ever now. He really is the perfect combination of dominant and sexy and sweet and loving. Thank you Kimberly for giving your fan more Brandon and Spencer. I am looking forward to seeing what's next from you.

Profile Image for Jean Roth.
63 reviews
January 16, 2018
OMG, what a yummy book this was! I love how Julie Kenner, added characters from previous other books into this book!

If you love romance books, this book is for you. Boy meets girl when they are little kids, and become best friends, along with another boy. Reece, Brent, and Jenna are all best friends to each other. But Reece had always loved Jenna. But never went past friendship because he did not want to ruin things, between Brent and Jenna, and himself.
But after 20 years of being best friends, Reece decided that he had to take leap of faith and go after Jenna. Jenna felt the same way to. So after fighting there feeling Reece and Jenna because lovers and best friends, the best of both worlds.

Reece, Jenna, Brent, and Tyees all partnership together to save The fix on sixth. By having calendar contest to save the bar. Reece was not to be part of the contest, but after confessing his love and asking Jenna to marry him, in front of everyone Reece won the contest for Mr January.

Can not wait to see what happens in next book, and who will be Mr February.
Profile Image for Theresa Natole.
1,022 reviews16 followers
May 19, 2016
It's so nice to revisit our favorite characters. Brandon and Spencer are great together. Suffering from post partum depression after Kyle was born brought back so many memories for me when I had my 2 sons. It definitely made her feel real. Experiencing parenting for the first time is not easy. Things we never knew we would have to deal with. But Brandon was always there for Spencer. His over protectiveness that he had for her definitely continued on into Kyle. Having a child does change your lifestyle and they both had to learn how to deal with that. Thankfully they had their friends who were going through being 1st time parents as well so that helped. Knowing you are not alone helps. Like many of us have done Brandon and Spencer will get through this and by the time they have their 2nd and more they will be like old pros.

It was just so great to read a story that you feel that you are a part of these characters.
Profile Image for Sanne Heremans.
369 reviews56 followers
April 17, 2016

***ARC provided in exchange for an honest review - Sanne / Scandalous Book Blog***

“It started with a look …

That led to a hot and steamy dance ...”

It’s been quite a while since I have read about these two. You know what they say... Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Down on Me continues where Anything like Me left of. Brandon and Spence are left in a world of bliss after the birth of their son, Kyle.

Hey now... It can’t be that easy now can it?! ;-)

Ghosts from the past keep them on edge and for Spencer, motherhood turns out to be a harder battle to conquer than she thought.

I seriously cannot get over the fact that Brandon is the most amazing and perfect husband and father. How he supported Spencer through it all is incredible.

This was a quick, emotional read that’ll keep you on edge and make you crave for more.

“...and in the end the story of Spencer and Brandon becomes full circle at the very spot were it all began.”
Profile Image for Michele A..
2,871 reviews15 followers
April 20, 2016
Brandon and Spencer really go off the rails after the birth of their son, Kyle. Both of them have their own insecurities and fears that eat away at them. Spencer is struggling but doesn't want Brandon or her friends to know just how much. Brandon fears that enemies from his past may try to take his wife and baby away. It was a set up for disaster and both of them needed to learn how to deal with their fears. Spencer really did have unrealistic expectations about what having a baby would be like and feels like a failure when she thinks Kyle doesn't like her. She overreacted to so many things that it would have made anyone crazy. Both of them start keeping secrets from each other and that always spells doom for a relationship. It was nicely done and a nice, realistic approach as to how a baby changes a relationship and what some of the side effects are. A nice addition to the series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 61 reviews

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