Impact Entrepreneurship


About: I help people build and grow successful businesses that help them live more fulfilling lives. As the CEO and Business Development Coach at The Forward Female, I have coached over 150 female entrepreneurs from the ideation phase of their businesses to having extreme clarity through a complete pre/post launch plan that achieve their businesses goals. 

What does impact entrepreneurship mean to you? Is it different from being a “regular” entrepreneur? How so?

I love, relate, and encourage all entrepreneurs to strive to be ‘impact entrepreneurs’ because more than ever, today’s most successful entrepreneurs are (and should be) building businesses that make a difference in the world. Impact entrepreneurs build businesses that make money — but have a vision that is greater than just profit at the end of the day. To me, Impact entrepreneurs are driven by a deeper desire to make the world a better place and disrupt the status quo. 

As a business owner, it’s critical that I think about being an impact entrepreneur in everything we do as a company. Through every decision I make personally and professionally, I am always qualifying and deciding on the next move to make based on the level of impact it will have to us reaching our ultimate vision and mission as a company. 

The difference between “regular” entrepreneurs and “impact” entrepreneurs hold a key role in the company’s DNA and usually dictate how the entrepreneur will make decisions when it matters. 

From your experience, what is the biggest obstacle young entrepreneurs face? Any advice for them?

The biggest obstacle I typically see entrepreneurs face is getting comfortable with the idea of failing fast and not starting with the end in mind. My biggest advice to someone who is thinking about starting their own businesses and stepping into the world of entrepreneurship is to first get really clear on a few things;

  1. Understand your Vision & Mission with immense clarity 
  2. Know your numbers 
  3. Surround yourself with people who fiercely motivate and inspire you
  4. Get comfortable with failing and try to fail faster than anyone else

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