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Google Code In 2017 : Tasks

Shekhar Prasad Rajak edited this page Oct 24, 2017 · 16 revisions

Google Code-In 2017 Tasks

Note to mentors

Please provide as much detail as possible for tasks. Remember, these are secondary school students, and some may have limited programming experience. Tell them what they need to do to succeed, and where/whom they can ask for help.

Note to students

To contribute to a project of your choice,

  • Navigate to the project's repository
  • Setup the project locally with instructions given in README
  • Pick up an issue of interest, from the repository's issue tracker
  • Fork the project on GitHub
  • Add the changes required for fixing the issue, in a new git branch
  • Push the changes to your fork
  • Read the (if it exists)
  • Send a Pull Request to the project, by comparing across forks
  • Wait for Travis CI build and reviews from mentor(s)
  • Wait for your Pull Request to get merged
  • Feel proud, pat yourself on the back and share your progress with your friends

Example Tasks Grouped by Project


Repository link :

Mentors : Sameer Deshmukh, Victor Shepelev, Lokesh Sharma, Athitya Kumar, Shekhar Prasad Rajak

  1. Issue #206 : Add support for reset_index method for Daru::DataFrame.
  2. Issue #234 : Add support for joining 2 Daru::DataFrames by index.
  3. Issue #358 : Add support for Daru::DataFrame#pivot_table method to retain the group_by columns.
  4. Issue #227 : Add support for concatenation between Daru::DataFrame and Daru::Vector
  5. Issue #210 : Add support for 'mask' dataframes and vectors in where clause.

Find more issues at issue-tracker


Repository link :

Mentors : Sameer Deshmukh, Victor Shepelev, Lokesh Sharma, Athitya Kumar, Shekhar Prasad Rajak

  1. Issue #36 : Add support for parsing row names (index) in XLSX Importer.
  2. Issue #36 : Add support for handling formulas in XLSX Importer.
  3. Issue #36 : Add support for parsing row names (index) in XLSX Importer.
  4. Issue #51 : Add benchmarks for CSV Importer.
  5. Issue #51 : Add benchmarks for Excel Importer.
  6. Issue #51 : Add benchmarks for Excelx Importer.
  7. Issue #51 : Add benchmarks for HTML Importer.
  8. Issue #51 : Add benchmarks for JSON Importer.
  9. Issue #55 : Add tests for linkages between daru & daru-io calls.

Find more issues at issue-tracker


Repository link :

Mentors : Sameer Deshmukh, Victor Shepelev, Lokesh Sharma, Athitya Kumar, Shekhar Prasad Rajak

  1. Issue #66 Improve the code quality. Try to Remove the disabled rubocop in the code. (1 Task per file)

  2. Issue #67 Improve the coverage report.

  3. Improve documentation and add examples to demonstrate the feature. (1 Task per file)

  4. Improve IRuby notebook examples present in specs/dummy_iruby folder.

  5. Add support for rubocop-rspec in the tests. (1 Task per file)

  6. Add more examples in demo_daru-view for different Ruby web app frameworks.

  7. Add Hanami web app and demonstrate the features of daru-view (similar to the rails, sinatra, nanoc) in demo_daru-view repo.

Find more issues at issue-tracker


Repository link :

Mentors : Arafat Khan, Sameer Deshmukh, Dr John Woods

  1. Issue #588 : Add specs for NMatrix::IO::Matlab.
  2. Issue #526 : Add 100 exercises for NMatrix
  3. Issue #527 : Merging Tutorials in the wiki

Find more issues at issue-tracker

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