
Prize List for use with Sailwave

This is a program for use with the excellent Sailwave program produced by Colin Jenkins. It is supplied Free of charge in the hope that other Sailwave users will find it useful.

So what does it produce? Below is a sample of the output:

And this is the format of program that specifies the output

Some of the Key Features are

    • Designed to be extremely easy to use and very fast
    • When you run the program it automatically reads the last file opened with Sailwave
    • Displays the Event, Venue and Title
    • Counts and displays the Number of competitors
    • Learns the columns used within Sailwave and the properties of these.
    • Uses the same Styles as used by Sailwave.

Normally it will automatically load the last file used by Sailwave however if you wish to use a different file:-

    • The Dropdown box is populated with the last 20 files used by Sailwave
    • The Browse allows you to open any Sailwave .blw file
    • Reload allows the file to be reload if it changes (You are warned with the option to reload if the file file has changed since you loaded when you Click Publish)
    • If you have entered prizes for this event then they are loaded with the blw Sailwave file
    • If you have defined a prize list for a different event then to save re-entering it you can use the Load Prizes to use the same for this event.

The Prizes are defined in a 50 row by 3 column Grid

    • If the Prize Description starts with a # e.g. #Techno then this signifies a Heading
    • The Criteria for Prize allows you to define the Criteria that the Prize is given for.
    • Qty for Prize allows you to specify when Prizes are given - Looking at the example above 3,4,8
      • The first 3 signifies that a 1st prize is awarded if there are 3 or more eligible Competitors (No prize is awarded if less than 3 eligible competitors)
      • The Second 4 signifies that a 2nd prize is awarded if there are 4 or more eligible Competitors
      • The third 8 signifies that a 3rd prize is award if there are 8 or more eligible Competitors.
      • You are not limited to just 3 prizes
      • If there is only one prize then only enter one number, a 1 would give a prize if there is a single eligible competitor.
    • If the number of eligible competitors does not meet the minimum then the Prize is not printed.
    • If there are no eligible prizes within the Heading Group the Heading is not printed.

When you click in the Criteria column the Selection Criteria boxes appear as shown above.

    • You can select 3 conditions for the prize. Looking at the example above for the Techno 7,8 Girl prize:-
      • The First Box is automatically populated with the Columns used in Sailwave
      • Once you select a value the Second box is populated with the Valid values you can select
      • Here we have select 2 prizes for Techno 7.8 Girls where the Division = T7.8 and Helmsex = F
      • If you rename columns in sailwave the renamed values will appear in the Dropdown boxes but the true name will appear in the grid. This allows the same prize definition to be used when columns are renamed for different events
      • In the rare occassion when more than 3 criteria are needed then it is recommended that you use a column in Sailwave to hold the conditions. This column can be populated within Sailwave using the Tool set Competitor fields. This is also safer as it allows you to check which competitors are affected
    • To enable easier editing of the Grid - Right click on the boxes at the left of the grid and you can Copy, Paste, Insert or Delete Rows of the grid

When you have defined the prizes Click Publish and this will

    • Save the prize definitions to a file in the same directory as the blw file with the same name but a .prz extention
    • The Prizes are calculated and displayed in the Default Browser - similar to publishing results in Sailwave.
    • The Same Style as was used by Sailwave for the results is used unless the checkbox to use the Blue blocks is checked
    • A file Prizes.htm is stored in the same directory as the blw file.
    • If the Combine prizes for the same competitor is checked - Then when a prize is displayed any other prizes that this competitor has won are displayed immediately following.
    • The Columns display are semi intelligent in that it depends upon which ones are used in Sailwave. e.g. above the Nationality is not used but if it had been used in Sailwave then the Column would have been displayed
    • You can use the Helm or Crew fields or both.


You can download the Program from



Updated to work with new versions of Sailwave 2.5 onwards.


Download the SWPrize.zip file and extract the file SWPrize.exe to the location of your choice. It's all self contained in a single file.


At this moment you have 2 choices:-

    • Download and run the SWAddon program this will setup all the shortcuts etc but only install SWPrize 1.1 you can then download and overwrite the SWPrize.exe with version 1.2. Once I have had some feedback that everyone is happy with 1.2 then I will update the installer to use V1.2
    • If you want to manually install SWPrize then the program consists of a single file SWPrize.exe. Download and extract it to a location on the same drive as Sailwave is installed. I suggest you put them in the "C:\Program Files\Sailwave directory". You may also want to create a short-cut to the SWPrize file to make it easy to run.

Pre V1.2

The program consists of two files SWPrize.exe MLG.DLL

Download and extract them to a location on the same drive as Sailwave is installed. I suggest you put them in the "C:\Program Files\Sailwave directory"

You may also want to create a shortcut to the SWPrize file to make it easy to run.

Then just double click the exe or your shortcut.


27/02/2011 V1.1.1 (v.2 on download page)

When clicking on Grid focus stays on grid so that you can scroll with the mouse wheel

24/06/2011 V1.2.0 (v.3 on download page)

Updated to support the new locations of the Style files with Sailwave version 2.03

03/07/2012 V1.3.0 (v.4 on download page)

Supports excluded competitors and fixes a few occasional crashes. Built with new compiler and controls.

06/05/2013 V1.4.0 (v.6 on download page)

Support for newer versions of Sailwave and bug fix

Any Problems or Feedback please email me

jon (at) eskdale.org