Our efforts to manage our own emotions are frequently challenged by our interactions with other people. Sometimes this leads us to behave impulsively or to explode, damaging our relationships. Other times we can fail to speak up assertively for what we need, which can lead to resentment or misunderstandings later. This course is about empowering us to handle interpersonal situations more effectively.

This course invites you to reflect on the myths that hold you back in relationships and teaches you skills to be more assertive. We will talk about how to prepare for difficult conversations by creating scripts and anticipating pushback. These flexible and scientifically supported dialectical behavior therapy skills will help you to have clearer communication and more fulfilling relationships.

"When I have had interpersonal conflicts, I’ve always prepared for the worst, assuming that there's probably going to be very violent pushback. On this course I’ve realized it doesn't always have to be like that, like not every disagreement or conflict has to be aggressive.”  

This group course is for you if:

  • Want to learn how to figure out what you want in interpersonal interactions.
  • You want to work out how to balance getting what you want with maintaining and building your relationships.
  • You want to reflect on the barriers that make it hard for you to be effective interpersonally. 
  • Want to learn with other performers and you've already signed up with Pineapple Support.
  • You're willing to try out new ideas!

This group course is NOT for you if:

  • You want to suppress or ignore your emotions.
  • You aren't a quirky queer or cultural renegade.
  • You already have a deep and thorough understanding of your emotions and how to change them when needed.
  • You don't want to try new things that may make you feel a little uncomfortable sometimes.
"I hadn't done anything like a DBT skills group before, and I felt more comfortable in the group than in any kind of therapy setting I've ever been in. Which is amazing! I've always kind of held stuff back and not brought my full kind of self to those things, even one to one, but the skills group has been a situation where I've been able to be really open and I feel really very grateful for that."

Who we are at Love Uncommon

Love Uncommon was founded by Sophia Graham who is a sex and relationship geek trained in counselling, DBT & teaching. Sophia works with other coaches and therapists to provide courses on emotion regulation, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness and self consent.

We work with quirky queers and cultural renegades including sex workers, performers, kinksters, neuroqueers, and people across the gender, sexual and relationship diversity spectrum. That means our clients are cis and trans; women, men and non-binary folks; people that are monogamous and non-monogamous; autistic and allistic; sexual and asexual, disabled and non-disabled.

This is what we will be covering!

Week 1 (6th Oct) – Orientation and mindfulness
This is all about understanding the DBT approach, the rules of skills groups and the approach that DBT takes to mindfulness.

Week 2 (13th Oct) – Barriers to interpersonal effectiveness & interpersonal myths
This week is all about what gets in the way of interpersonal effectiveness, including some of the myths that we hold.

Week 3 (20th Oct) – Interpersonal Priorities and Validation
This week is all about working out what you want from an interpersonal situation, and how to validate yourself and others.

Week 4 (27th Oct) – Asking for what you want
This week is about what to do if the objective is the most important priority.

Week 5 (3rd Nov) – GIVE and FAST
This week focuses on what to do if your self respect or the relationship are your most important priority

Week 6 (10th Nov) – Coping with pushback
This week is about what to do if the objective is the most important priority.or the relationship is the most important priority.

Week 7 (17th Nov) – Dime game and ending destructive relationships
This is all about working out how intensely to ask for something (or say no) and how to end relationships that have become destructive.