My Winning CPR Pitching Method (Career Contessa Video Collab)

Want to get your story in front of an industry leader or editor to make your story heard?

My proven “CPR” method can help you open doors to create huge opportunities for your business.

Watch the training video I made with Career Contessa to learn the secret to cold emailing anyone, including a public figure, c-level executive, or anyone that's hard to reach!

As a PR strategist, pitching my clients’ stories to the press is something I do daily. And trust me, editors at top-tier publications are a tough crowd.

rom the thousands of pitch emails I’ve sent, I’ve learned what works, and what doesn’t—and have now distilled it into my “CPR” method:

C= Credibility or Connection (for new grads)

P= Point of View R= Reach (if sending to public figures)

Relevance (to editors)

Every strong pitch should aim to have these components—bonus points if you can also add data, seasonality, or a policy-relevant element. Ask me and I can show you actual emails I have sent that’s gotten responses from top-tier outlets such as The New York Times and Wall Street Journal.

Want to see the CPR method in action AND get your own curated media list of editors and writers who cover your industry?

My PR Starter Pack was made for early-stage founders like you with EVERYTHING you need to pitch and land press at a fraction of the cost

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