In addition to a standard financial aid package, which enables students to attend Georgetown, GSP offers additional financial support via microgrants from our Necessity Fund. These microgrants can help cover unexpected and/or emergency costs that arise throughout a student’s time on the Hilltop. Common grant requests include: medical co-pays, Upperclassmen Professional Development (for professional attire, funding for grad school applications, etc), mental health/counseling, DACA fees, and more.

“We all know how hard college can be, but thanks to GSP some of my stress has been relieved through their generous grants, exciting events and wonderful members. When I was really sick last year, GSP helped cover my medical costs. And when I needed financial advice, GSP was there for me again. Time and time again GSP has been there to take care of my every need and answer any questions I had.” –Yoel Fessahaye (F’18)

GSP Necessity Grants & FAQS

Funded through alumni and supporter contributions, GSP students can request a GSP Necessity Grant to cover various essentials. For FAQs and other funding resources, review the Necessity Grants webpage (opens in another tab).