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Mountain Goat Endurance Coaching

Better Training -- Increased Performance -- More Fun

Not Hitting Your Goals?

Training hard but not hitting your goals?
Tired of nausea, bonking and injuries?
Want to have more fun out on the trails?

Training shouldn't be a slog. Figure out what you need to do to hit your goals this year and have more fun!

Coaching Application

Workouts. Nutrition. Sleep. Everything affects performance. If you want to make fast, effective progress, you must find what YOU need as an athlete.

I'd love to help you perform your best.

Trail & Ultra Running Training Podcast

A podcast covering the many aspects of good training - because your training should to fit YOUR needs.

Go ahead and give it a listen on your next run!

Trail & Ultra Running Training Group

A group of runners who know results come from more than just weekly workouts.

Join us to learn how you can optimize your food and create success on the trails.

There's a better way.

Cookie-cutter training programs get cookie-cutter results.

In running, that often means burnout and injury.

You deserve to train in a way that gives you your best chance at success.


Why Me?

I know what it's like to do it the wrong way.

For years, I felt like I was spinning my wheels.
I would train hard and see some progress only to get injured and feel like I had to start all over again.

For every step forward, I took two steps back.
It was a constant cycle of frustration and burnout.

There's a better way.

Now I help runners achieve their goals while reducing their injury risk and keeping the sport fun.

Isn't that the whole reason we do this in the first place?