About Us

Grassroots Organizing & Collaboration

L2GJ founders include: Dr. Sang Hea Kil (Ph.D, ASU; Assistant Professor, Justice Studies, San José State University), Dr. Luis Fernandez (Ph.D., ASU; Professor, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Northern Arizona University), and Kyrsten Sinema, J.D. (J.D., ASU; Arizona State Senator, District 15).

Local to Global Justice was founded in 2001 by students at Arizona State University-Tempe. The group is currently composed of students, faculty members, and community members and is open to everyone.

Our primary goal is to educate ASU students and the greater community about issues of local and global justice, while promoting diversity, freedom of speech, and academic freedom of discussion. We believe it is vital to connect local diversity, sustainability, and social justice issues to larger global struggles.

In April 2002, Local to Global Justice launched its first annual free Teach-in at ASU. This highly successful statewide event helped activist organizations, individuals, students and groups throughout the state strengthen and deepen their collaborative efforts. Since that time, Local to Global Justice has organized annual, free Teach-ins at ASU's Tempe campus, and the event has expanded in the number of workshops, musicians, and speakers. Over 150 people attended the first Teach-in, and in recent years the number has exceeded 500!

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